Poetic UnitY

  • Poetic Unity is a Brixton based charity that uses poetry as a tool to support young people's mental health, education, personal development, physical health and community cohesion.

  • Its ‘Mandem, Let's Talk’ programme supports the mental health of young boys/men aged 11-25 by creating safe spaces for open dialogue.

  • Through active community engagement, the programme reaches out to schools, youth organisations, and local communities.

  • Poetic Unity supports young people from all background but particularly young people from Black and Black Mixed backgrounds who are marginalised.

  • Their team is Black led with lived experience of the young people they support and have over 10 years’ experience of working with young offenders, marginalised young people, and children at risk.

  • Their vision is to take their programme nationally driven by their commitment to breaking down barriers to mental health support for young men of all backgrounds but particularly those who are marginalised.

  • Chimo is providing funding to hire a programme manager to oversee the scale up and delivery of their ‘Mandem, Let’s Talk’ programme.

Visit: www.poeticunity.org.uk

Poetic Unity is one of the best places for freedom of expression, to really appreciate the art of poetry & I love how everyone here is so welcoming.